The Vocationst.

Professionally curious…

Podcast: She's On the Money (Australia)

Podcast: She's On the Money (Australia)

Are you a millennial woman looking for money advice? Or a person looking to benefit from money advice dispensed by witty and intrepid millennial women? If so, I recommend this Australian podcast co-hosted by Victoria Devine and Georgia King. The podcast has had a few different co-hosts, but financial advisor Victoria Devine has been the constant. I am a big fan of the dry humour and banter shared by her and current co-host Georgia King.

I appreciate Victoria’s pragmatic financial advice around knowing your cashflow, budgeting and saving. I also like how the podcast incorporates the less tangible elements of personal finance - like your money story and beliefs about money.

In the wrong hands, the less tangible aspects of managing our money become “woo”, placing too much emphasis on mantras and manifestation (IMO). But this podcast does a great job of balancing the importance of understanding and developing our own money mentality as a foundation for more wisely applying the practicalities of investing and saving. Give it a listen! (And there may be multiple podcasts with this name, so please make sure you have the Aussie one - more information at

Website: Science of People

Website: Science of People

Podcast: Everything Happens with Kate Bowler

Podcast: Everything Happens with Kate Bowler