The Vocationst.

Professionally curious…

Make the Decision Right!

Make the Decision Right!

The genesis of this article is Episode 240 The Purpose Show with Allie Casazza featuring Susie Moore (@susie.moore on Instagram). Specifically, it was the moment when Susie said:


“There is no right decision; make the decision right.”


I may be paraphrasing ever so slightly, so feel free to check out the source material yourself and listen to the episode.


BUT – in case you are not having an epiphany seeing this in black and white on your screen, I will say it again:






Before I launch into why I am so excited about this quote, a caveat:

The advice shared here does NOT apply to abusive, dangerous or manipulative situations. This advice is intended to be applied to relationships and workplaces which – while imperfect – want to nurture and support you to be your best.


Why do I love Susie’s words?


Because they express the truth that decisions require active commitment and ongoing investment!

One way you can jeopardize the success of your decisions is through incomplete decision-making, or constantly questioning your decisions and ruminating on alternatives. If this is your midset, you are more likely to focus on the negatives in your current situation. As the old ‘grass is greener’ adage articulates, focus on other scenarios and situations can cause us to neglect or undervalue our own lives while dangerously romanticizing other options.

Decision-making often feels like the work of a single shiny and exciting moment – a one and done. This is true even of our most important life decisions, including:

·       You decide to marry someone;

·       You decide to fulfill a professional role in exchange for a salary;

·       You decide to open a business or launch your own venture.

If we view decision-making as a one-time event, we think: I got married and had a wedding (yay!) so now the decision-making is complete.

If you then sit back and expect the situation to be excellent without making the ongoing decision that you want it to be excellent, you lose your active power - your accountability - to be part of actively making the decision awesome. Which can then lead to the situation being less than awesome. Cue dissatisfaction and the aforementioned incomplete decision-making.

What does incomplete decision-making sound like? It sounds like doubt and a desire to take the easy way out.

When difficulties or challenges arise we think: Was this the right decision? What if I don’t want to do this anymore? Wouldn’t it be easy to decide something else?

The words “There is no right decision; make the decision right” remind us that our decisions are not happening to us. They are not past events that seal our fate.

Most importantly, there is not another, ready-made, perfect decision out there waiting for you to stumble upon it.

Your major decisions require ongoing, active and affirming commitment.

Treating your choices as the RIGHT and GOOD option greatly increases the likelihood that they will be fulfilling and positive.

This requires an active stance where you regularly affirm and nurture and invest in your decisions.

Yes, you decided to take a job in the moment when you signed the contract, but to enjoy that job, you have to decide every day to seek out what makes that job great and to find opportunities to exercise the skills, tasks and interactions that bring you energy.

You have the power to decide. This doesn’t mean you never get to change things. You may decide to change and evolve in a major way. But you will be more likely to appreciate, enjoy and savour your new opportunity if you practice actively making the best of your decisions.


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