The Vocationst.

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Career Inspiration: Three Podcasts You Can Listen to Now

Career Inspiration: Three Podcasts You Can Listen to Now

Friends, it’s no secret that I love me a podcast about careers. Here are some worthwhile listens on my favourite topic.

A Beautiful Mess Episode 104: How to Make a Resume and Get Your Dream Job

Firstly, I love this podcast. The sisters behind A Beautiful Mess, Elsie Larson and Emma Chapman, are all about design, home improvement, Do-It-Yourself projects and generally building a cozy home. They also are enthusiastic about holidays and seasonal traditions. This visual subject matter works surprisingly well in the podcast format because of the hosts’ rapport and story-telling gifts.

This particular episode veers from the show’s typical content to talk careers. It is a great study of how to use a targeted resume and genuine enthusiasm to get the attention of your dream employer. This episode may be especially appreciated by people in creative industries, but since I solemnly believe creativity lies within each and every one of us, I hope the tips in this upbeat podcast will appeal to everyone from accountants to zoologists!


HerMoney Podcast Episode 301: Think Machiavellian and Win Your Career

I am fairly new to this podcast, but host Jean Chatzky has assembled a great trove of financial wisdom for women at various stages of their life and career.

Your financial confidence and competence play a huge role in the career opportunities you chase and how you manage the results of your career — literally, how you save, invest and spend your earnings.

A very modest gripe is that some episodes of the show I have listened to have super motivating titles that don’t entirely align with the content of the podcast.

But this is not the case with a recent episode featuring Stacey Vanek Smith discussing her recent book Machiavelli for Women: Defend Your Worth, Grow Your Ambition, and Win the Workplace.

Machiavelli is synonymous with being power hungry and ruthless. But as Smith points out, he has useful tips about leadership, setting strategy and achieving what you want. I recommend giving this a listen!


Before Breakfast with with Laura Vanderkam

This podcast is the embodiment of productivity:

Consistent - new episodes posted daily

Efficient - under 10 minutes in length

Action-oriented - dedicated to solving practical time management problems

If you are pressed for time, this podcast is great. Not only for the aforementioned brevity, but because Laura is an expert in time management. To learn more about how tracking your time can provide insights that allow you to use your time in wiser and more fulfilling ways, check out the recent episode Deepen Time.


P.S. If you enjoy Laura’s advice, check out her other podcast, Best of Both Worlds. This chattier and longer form podcast is co-hosted with Dr. Sarah Hart-Unger and provides great takes for women who want to thrive in the spheres of family and work.

Happy listening!

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