The Vocationst.

Professionally curious…

Pick Yourself - Words to Live By

Pick Yourself - Words to Live By

Welcome back to another installment of… Words to Live By!

 Here they are:

“It’s a cultural instinct to wait to get picked. To seek out the permission and authority that comes from a publisher or talk show host or even a blogger saying, “I pick you.” Once you reject that impulse and realize that no one is going to select you–that Prince Charming has chosen another house–then you can actually get to work.” – Seth Godin


This quote selection is inspired by two things:

#1 This Podcast: Earn Your Happy – Be the Girl on Fire – with Cara Alwill

#2 The rejection letter I got today for a grad school program I applied to.

On the subject of point #2, yup, got the old rejection letter today. I applied to study to become a career counsellor. I was pumped to pursue a formal opportunity to get education in this field that inspires me. I applied because I want to gain the official expertise and training to counsel people on their careers.

First of all, I am still hoping to pursue education and chase this dream. The dream is alive. I have much to learn, and if this isn’t the time and place, that is okay! The opportunity will come to deepen my knowledge in a formal way. There is not one single path to this goal. 

But I also feel disappointed. I wasn’t picked. I was rejected by a program that could legitimize and inspire what I do here on The Vocationist. Who am I to be writing a blog, giving you all career advice, when I can’t even get into a degree program to study this? 

Well, who I am is someone that passionately believes everyone has a right to be motivated and thriving in their daily work. I am someone who thinks we all benefit from support in thinking through what our vocation looks like in different seasons of our life. I am someone who wants to boost the confidence of the women who find themselves here so they know they are worthy of abundance and respect.

I do not need to wait for someone to pick me before I do what I love. And neither do you! You are awesome.

If your first choice, your Plan A, doesn’t work out, don’t let that be the end of your dream.

Pick yourself. Do it over and over again. Learn. Fall. Get Up. Grow. Get rejected. Keep climbing. And - eventually - you will find yourself in a place that you picked for yourself a long time ago.

I believe in you, dear reader!

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Stop Faking It: Consulting Your Team for Real 

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