The Vocationst.

Professionally curious…

Perfection is Not a Thing – A Reflection on a Random Tuesday

Perfection is Not a Thing – A Reflection on a Random Tuesday

Health doesn’t mean you’re never going to get sick or injured.

Health means your body is better able to recover from illness and injury when they occur.


Love doesn’t mean never feeling infuriated with the object of your affection.

Love means you care enough to work through frustrating situations.


Succeeding at work doesn’t mean you never mess up.

Success means you learn from your mistakes to become better at what you do.


Creating doesn’t mean preparing a brilliant masterpiece in one take.

Creating is getting the idea out and then editing, revising, tinkering, adjusting until you feel it is ready to share with your audience.


Making a positive change in life doesn’t mean instant comfort, grace and ease.

Changes take time and may involve awkward phases before you land in that place of comfort.

Seasonality: What You Can Learn From the Changing Seasons

Seasonality: What You Can Learn From the Changing Seasons

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: What’s Your Cause?

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: What’s Your Cause?