The Vocationst.

Professionally curious…

Introduction to the Flourish Series

Introduction to the Flourish Series

Hi friends! Long time, no see.


My new year’s resolution is to be more consistent in my writing, here and elsewhere, so hopefully you’ll be hearing more from me in the coming months.


Is it just me, or does the world feel tired this December? The bustling city where I live feels slower. The people we’d normally gather with seem committed to their cozy homes.


This is a deeply subjective experience, which is related to the life stage of me and many of my peers, who are busy nesting with newborns and little ones. So, if you are enjoying a lively and vibrant holiday season, that is amazing and keep enjoying the beautiful vibes!


However, I am mindful that this year, in the larger world, there is sufficient bad news to horrify and numb and wound us all.


World events impact us all to different extents, sometimes hitting close to home and other times feeling distant.


As we look to the new year, many people may find hope hard to access. To you who are heartbroken in the here and now, I share my compassion and my condolences for your suffering. My heart goes out to those whose peace has been shattered. May the year ahead hold healing, mercy and security.


That said, if you are not at all interested in self-improvement articles right now, I understand. This resource will be here for you whenever you are ready.


For those of you who are looking for resources on how to have a fantastic 2024 that is in alignment with your values and goals – or even helps bring you greater clarity about your values and goals – I am launching The Flourish Series to share guidance and inspiration for flourishing in the year ahead.


Wishing you and yours the joy of each other’s company this holiday season – and peace in the year to come.


Flourish Series Part I: Getting into Integrity at Work

Flourish Series Part I: Getting into Integrity at Work

5 Ways to Take Action When You are Not Feeling Motivated

5 Ways to Take Action When You are Not Feeling Motivated