The Vocationst.

Professionally curious…

Flourish Series Part II: Getting Excited

Flourish Series Part II: Getting Excited

Flourish Series Part 2 – Getting Excited


In writing about excitement, I realized an unexciting reality: the practical art of planning ahead is key to having more excitement.

This flies in the face of assumptions that excitement and spontaneity go hand in hand. This may be true in some cases – being open to new and unexpected opportunities for fun is great.

But if you are leading a busy life and struggling to find time for activities that excite you, this is your reminder to deliberately make time in the coming weeks and months for something that excites you.

Also, the goal isn’t to do all of these suggestions below and over-load your excitement calendar, thereby turning the fun into overwhelm. 

Instead, identify the suggestion below that speaks to you most, and make [then protect!] the space on your calendar to do something EXCITING.  

 How will you know if something is exciting?

·        You want to clear space on your calendar for the activity.

·        You prefer the activity over other tasks on your plate.

·        You are able to stay in the present moment and be engaged by the experience.

·        You enjoy the company of the other people involved.

·        You feel improvement and growth – physically, mentally, technically – as a result of the experience.

·        You gain an experience or use a skill that is outside of your day-to-day work and routine experiences.

·        You have a sense of pride / accomplishment resulting from the activity.

·        You want to talk about and share the experience with others.

Here are tips for identifying and locking in your exciting experience for 2024.


1. Do Something New


This something new should be an activity that you want to do and are curious about, but you have not yet participated in this activity due to procrastination or maybe slight anxiety about taking on a new experience.

Examples of what this might be:

·        Learn a new skill by registering for a class (martial arts, pottery, car maintenance)

·        Try a new fitness class or registering for a recreational sports team

·        Register for an event or conference (writers’ retreat, an international conference related to your profession, a music festival)


2. Return to an Old Love


Is there an old hobby or sport that you love but has fallen by the wayside in an increasingly busy house.

If your old violin or baseball glove is calling to you, this is your encouragement to block the time in your calendar to pursue your hobby.

Even if your activity is something you can do solo and at home, I suggest you find an external space or group to practice with. If you’ve been struggling to make time for this on your own, you may need the accountability of:

·        Formally joining a league / team

·        Having a standing date with an instructor

·        Joining a regular jam session with fellow amateur musicians.

Or maybe there is a community centre / shared work space / place of worship / studio / gym near you that rents space at affordable rates.

Make solid plans – with specific times, places and people – to renew your beloved hobby and bring that excitement back into your life.


3. Plan Ahead


Many exciting experiences – concerts, events, vacations – require planning a few months in advance.

·        Take a look at music venues near you and see who will be in town three months from now.

·        Research local educational and recreational programs – note the deadline to register.

·        Is there a buzzy restaurant in your community that only opens for reservation thrice a year? Set a reminder in your phone.

·        Explore your dream – how much can you save on flight and hotel if you book six, eight, ten months in advance?


Make a reservation or buy a ticket for a few months in the future, and you will have something to look forward to. This type of anticipation is a huge part of excitement.

Your exciting activities also do not have to be expensive or in the far distant future. It could be as simple as:

·        Planning a phone or coffee date next month with a busy friend

·        Clearing your Saturday morning to finally make it to the farmers market near you

·        Scheduling an appointment with your massage therapist or therapist

·        Booking a Friday afternoon off to tackle a long over-due project


If you make a regular habit of planning exciting experiences, both big and small, then you will always have something on your calendar to smile about.


4. Stop Doing What Does Not Excite You

On the flip side of the above recommendations, what is currently on your calendar that fills you wit negative emotions? What are you doing on a regular basis that results in anxiety, boredom or discomfort?


If you have a commitment or hobby that is no longer bringing you joy, stop doing it.


I understand this may take time and require a season of transition, but if your schedule is filled with experiences that make you feel angsty, frustrated or futile, then ending those activities will create more space for you to pursue genuine excitement.


Wishing you the best kind of excitement in 2024 and beyond!


Flourish Series Part III: Getting More Rest

Flourish Series Part III: Getting More Rest

Flourish Series Part I: Getting into Integrity at Work

Flourish Series Part I: Getting into Integrity at Work